How To Build A Personal Brand For Better ROI And Faster Results
A proven, effective method based on our own learnings on how to develop a personal brand that is authentic, sticky and most importantly gets you the desired outcomes at lower cost.

5-Week On-Demand Program 

$399 USD


How To Build A Personal Brand For Better ROI And Faster Results
A proven, effective method based on our own learnings on how to develop a personal brand that is authentic, sticky and most importantly gets you the desired outcomes at lower cost.

5 Weekly Sessions Start
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023 6-8pm EST

$599 USD
"From pre-launch through today, Dilya and Elmira have been able to capture my attention on LinkedIn by sharing authentic content that clearly stands out from the rest of other typical B2B tech promotions.

Personal branding can be a very powerful tool to build brand awareness and generate new business, and Mavuus founders are a great example of how exactly it should be done."
- Korry StagnitoCEO, Retail & Hospitality Hub

“I need a marketing team to help me build a personal brand"

"I’m not creative, I’m not good at writing and I just don’t have time for it"
This is how most people think when approaching personal brand development.

But the fact is, the statement above can’t be further from the truth. Some of the best personal brands out there DO NOT have anything to do with marketing or being creative, but everything to do with consistency and proper planning. It is that simple, really!!

And we have our personal experience to demonstrate as real proof.

Having launched our Mavuus brand three months ago and without spending ANY marketing dollars, we have managed to grow our Linkedin presence by 2,000% and get over 200 users to sign up for our platform. Again, no dollars invested into advertising, all engagement being driven through organic traffic. 

And did we mention the occasional job offers, free advertising opportunities, inbound podcast invites and much more? The very things that people typically chase after, are now willingly coming our way. 

So how did we manage to get these outstanding results with $0 investment? Well, we are about to tell you. 

"In such a competitive world and a market full of options, it’s so critical that first impressions don't get wasted. For most people, they know what outcomes they want, but don't have the skill, experience or time to make sure their personal brand is on point

Having been watching how professionally and creatively Dilya has been building her own personal brand in the past little while, I would definitely recommend that other marketing and sales professionals check out this masterclass to learn how effective and cost-efficient personal branding strategy can really be.”
- Jeff Wright, Director of Sales, Welbi


‘Personal Branding Masterclass by the Mavuus Sisters’
Here is what you will learn during these five on-demand sessions:

Session 1: Great brands start with strategy - the What, Who, How, and Why

Available on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023 
Nothing extraordinary was ever created without a strong strategy. We will provide you with all the tools to ensure that you have the right tactics for the right audience.

Session 2: Content is truly king, and no, it’s not rocket science, you can do it too

Available on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023 
As breezy and fun as all of the social media content might look like, it takes consistent planning and regular time allocation to succeed. In this session, we will not only provide planning frameworks but will also explore different types of content you can create (without any of the marketing help!).

Session 3: Always be selling without coming off as a ‘used car salesman’

Available on Wednesday,  Feb. 1, 2023 
Nobody wants to be in sales, in fact, it’s kind of become a ‘dirty’ word in today’s business world. But the reality is, we are always selling something. This session will demonstrate a number of proven tactics of how to engage those that you are after (without being a pest of a sales person).

Session 4: Your network is your net worth - you don't need a BIG network, you need the RIGHT network

Available on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023 
Don’t just blindly add connections on LinkedIn, always be mindful to build ‘meaningful’ connections that can help you succeed. And the beautiful thing is, you already have your existing network to work with. It’s not always about having a huge network, but more so about having and building the right network.

Session 5: Unlocking the power of your mind to create outcomes you want

Available on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023 
Setting the right intent for every post is a critical component of social success. While regularly measuring key metrics is important in order to alter your strategy, chasing likes and follows can be exhausting and often discouraging. 
This session will outline the critical metrics you need to measure but will also provide a number of powerful tools on how to get your mindset focusing on success vs constantly seeking validation from others.

Register Today To Save Your Seat!
Join us today and discover a proven, effective method based on our own learnings on how to develop a personal brand that is authentic, sticky and most importantly gets you the desired outcomes at lower cost.

5 On-Demand Weekly Sessions for $399 USD
Group discounts are available!
For 3+ tickets use discount code MASTERCLASS10 for 10% off
For 5+ tickets use discount code MASTERCLASS15 for 15% off


  • Founders of companies of all sizes who would like to help build their company brand without spending a ton on ineffective marketing efforts.
  • Seasoned executives who would like to expand their footprint in the space by sharing educational, thought-provoking content.
  • Sales professionals who are looking to step up their sales game and finally start getting those inbound leads (without relying on marketing).
  • Marketing leaders who would like to enable their teams (marketing and sales) to drive more demand without constantly waiting for those website form fills.
  • Young professionals who are navigating their careers and would like to establish themselves as knowledgeable, skilled experts in the field.
  • Anyone looking for new employment opportunities and simply not getting the desired results from sending out million resumes a day. Let employers come to you.


Program starts on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 with weekly sessions available on-demand.


Dilya Abushayeva

I’m a lover of all things marketing – but if I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be storytelling. I love a good opportunity to throughly get familiar with a subject matter (a product, a person, or a brand) and then be able to paint an intresting story that truly engages and captivates the audence.

Over the last 15 years, I’ve had the fortune to work alongside some of the most talented marketers out there – listening, learning, and observing from various fields of the monstrous marketing machine, including product, communications, and demand gen. I’ve learned that the power of marketing can’t be boxed in. It’s not all about leads, neither is it all about inbound or outbound. The true power of marketing lies in understanding how all the elements work together like clockwork to generate real results.

Creativity is not a nine to five job, it can’t be timed, and it definitely cannot be forced. Great ideas are generated as a result of a clear mind and limitless inspiration. My inspiration comes from art, music, books, travel, and politics, to name a few.

Elmira Abushayeva

Over the last 15 years, I’ve managed B2B and B2C marketing initiatives for companies across industries, from software to digital solutions to management systems. I love high-energy environments, throwing my passion behind everything from product launches, partner relationship programs, vendor relationships, and marketing strategies to social media campaigns, CRM, and marketing automation initiatives.

Being a highly-driven marketing leader is deeply ingrained into who I am. I find epiphany in building marketing plans that convert into actions that bring real results. Innovation is at the center of my methods, and I’m always on the hunt for smart new ways to establish the brand and build meaningful relationships with customers.

When my marketing hat comes off, I like to dissolve myself into a multitude of cooking adventures. I’m always looking for new recipes to create dinner experiences with friends and family. I also love to explore new travel destinations – if you need me, you can find me with a novel in my hands while enjoying a beautiful view.

Ashley Hildebrand

Ashley is a content strategist based in Vancouver but her clients know her by the title, 'Creative Problem Solver.'

Content strategists specialize in a lot of things - email campaigns, social media, research and analytics, media and influencer relations, and helluva lot more. Ultimately, she connects a business's objectives to their consumers in a way that is engaging, cohesive, and gets results through all the digital touchpoints.

They bring the 'why', and she answers the who, what, when, where, and how.

Together they transform their company’s online presence into a valuable, converting asset.

Emboldyn your business, emboldyn your life.

Chris Maclean

Chris spent the last 20 years leading sales teams of 300+ people, closing more than $200MM in ARR for firms in 6 different industries.

After completely burning out in 2019, he quit a lucrative Sales Leadership job with a hyper-growth SaaS company and did absolutely nothing for 5 months.

Rested and refreshed, he has since launched a fast-growing coaching business, and now has the time and freedom to do what he loves - teaching people how to use the same sales strategies he used to grow his career and financial security, to grow their own.

Mike Lipkin

Mike Lipkin is a renowned strategic coach who works with some of the world’s best business and sales leaders. He is the founder and CEO of Environics/Lipkin, a highly successful training and motivation company based in Toronto, Canada. He is also a bestselling author who has just launched his eighth book, The Potentiator.

Mike believes that we’re only as good as the Potentiators we purposefully place in our lives. They are the everyday superheroes whose superpower is to enable us to perform at our best. In turn, we need to intentionally play that role for other people. That’s how breakthroughs are created in a post-pandemic world. In an inspiring session, Mike Lipkin will introduce you to The Five Potentiator Practices that will multiply your impact and scale your results: Know Your Game. Build Robust Resilience. Grow Courageous Creativity. Communicate Like a Champion. And Cultivate Close Connections. Through revealing case studies, research backed insights and powerful exercises, Mike will help transform you into The Potentiator – to the enormous benefit of everyone around you.

Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan is an Executive Performance Advisor that specializes in amplifying executive performance and accelerates the institutionalization of aspiring companies.

He has shared the stage with the likes of Presidents William Jefferson Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama as well as Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey and former First Lady Michelle Obama and has advised over one hundred global iconic brands such as Google, Epic Games, BRON Studios, Lebron James and Mike Tyson just to name a few.

Richard has three-decades of experience inside the realm of human betterment technologies having been trained and developed by some of the worlds greatest thought leaders on the subject such as Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra and Werner Erhard.

Richard studied happiness economics, investor resilience and sport psychology resulting in earning himself three NBA championship rings during the Miami Heat back to back wins in 2012 and 2013 along with one in 2020 with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Register Today To Save Your Seat!
Join us today and discover a proven, effective method based on our own learnings on how to develop a personal brand that is authentic, sticky and most importantly gets you the desired outcomes at lower cost.

5 Live Weekly Sessions for $399 USD
Group discounts are available!
For 3+ tickets use discount code MASTERCLASS10 for 10% off
For 5+ tickets use discount code MASTERCLASS15 for 15% off
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